Indeed, by and large, we are a group of people who are often invisible to government, invisible to business, even invisible to those of us who have a hearing loss. 的确,总的来说,我们是一群无形的人,通常被政府视而不见,被企业忽视,甚至我们失聪的同类也无法看到。
The theoretical and realistic sense to do research on the resettlement invisible loss was also analyzed. Quantitative analysis was carried out for the settlement invisible loss. 然后提出了移民无形损失的概念,分析了其构成、特点,以及研究移民无形损失的理论与现实意义,并对移民无形损失进行了定量研究。
Existing compensation standard was just taking into account the corporeal loss, while the invisible loss was not considered, which caused compensation standard on the low side. 现有的移民规划项目在制定补偿标准时,只考虑有形损失部分的赔偿,而不包括无形损失部分,致使补偿标准偏低。
Experimental results demonstrate that the strategy, which embeds watermarks in DC components, is effective and the invisible watermarks thus generated are very robust, and images embedded watermarks can withstand attacks which are exerted by tailoring, loss compression, enhanced brightness and enhanced contrast. 实验结果表明,DC分量上嵌入隐形水印的策略是有效的,并且具有很好的稳健性,能抵御施加在已嵌入水印的图像上的裁剪、有损压缩、增加亮度和对比度的攻击。
Author established mathematics model between invisible loss and benefit-cost ratio, then demonstrated that invisible loss influenced the economy evaluation conclusion a lot. Finally, the point of view that invisible loss was needed to be calculated in the compensation area was demonstrated using a mathematic example. 本文建立了移民无形损失与移民项目益本比之间的数学模型,论证了无形损失对经济评价结论影响较大,并应用算例进一步论证了移民无形损失应计入补偿范围的观点。
On the Invisible Loss of Industrial Products in Our Country 试论我国工业产品的无形损耗
And that vigorous development of the exergy balance is helpful in studying invisible exergy loss and adequately reflecting the problems existing in the process of energy utilization. 大力开展有效能衡算法,有利于研究能量的无形损失,全面地反映出用能过程中存在的问题;
The invisible loss of message in the teaching 教学信息的隐性损失
Analysis about invisible property loss 企业无形资产流失现象探析
Under the precondition of invisible deposit insurance, the discretionary market exit system is an incredible threat to the commercial bank, by causing huge social cost and welfare loss. 隐性存款保险前提下,相机抉择的市场退出机制对于商业银行是一个不可置信的威胁,将形成巨大的社会成本和福利损失。
Because of the particularity of education, modern corporations usually ignore the invisible benefits of educational investment. They would regard this as a business with great loss and without motivation of investment. 由于教育的特殊性,企业常常忽略教育投资可以给企业带来的各种隐性效益,因此在企业看来教育投资就成为一项赔本生意,也就缺乏投资的动力。
The invisible nature and inheritance of Intangible Cultural Heritage determines its vulnerability on existence and development. Whether the lack of material carriers or Inheritors, can make the loss of Intangible Cultural Heritage. 非物质文化遗产的无形性与传承性决定了其存在及发展的脆弱性。无论是物质载体的缺乏或是传承人的缺失,都完全可能导致非物质文化遗产的灭失。